
Advanced Frequency Healing for Better Living

Articles and Info

Below are articles, customer reviews and more information about our systems.

orangeRecommended Speakers and More...

We're often asked which speakers and headphones to use for frequency therapy and Rife work. Here is a list of accessories that you can get to use with your systems if you like.

orangeTBSW Technology - The Basics

TBSW is bztronics technology that has found it's way into alternative health in a big way over the years. It can be found in anything from iPhone Apps to complex diagnostic systems. Here are the basics...

orangeCustomer Comments / Reviews

These are a few of our customer comments about the Life Frequencies and Rife Machine Systems we have. You can submit your comments via the Contact form on the Contact page.

orange Find Frequencies Using the Sweep Generator

All of the current systems we have, include a Sweep Generator, that sweeps through a range of frequencies. This short article gives you a quick look at how to use Kinesiology with the Sweep Generators.

orange Life Frequencies Physical Therapist Story

This was an inspiring story by a Physical Therapist who discovered the power of Life Frequencies. We certainly appreciate the time she spent writing and sending it to us. We hope you enjoy it.

orange Are You Ready?

COVID, flu, colds, allergies and other health challenges. Now we even have to deal with this mess...Who would have thought?

We'd like to thank Jan for sending this. Jan is one of our great customers that has been successfully using our systems in remote locations in Africa for years. We have a lot of respect for anyone doing humanitarian work in remote places like this. It takes a great deal of courage and self sacrifice! These are Pygmies from remote Uganda. Thank You Jan!

life fequencies used in africa for ebola and malaria